Your Health In Motion

Your Health In Motion is a Bio-Hacking wellness center devoted to providing each patient with personalized wellness care. We help you bring in harmony 3 pillars of wellbeing. Structural health, metabolic health, and emotional health. We believe when these areas of wellbeing are in harmony our body is thriving, in balance, and in homeostasis. We ask that you reject the current sick care model of symptom relief and get curious and hack into your system to find the root of disharmony and see how you can feel and function better. We blend together aspects of Functional Neurology and Applied Kinesiology to find the root of structural pain patterns. Functional Medicine is utilized to map our and test for causes of metabolic disfunction, Mindfulness, meditation and Unconscious mind healing makes up our emotional healing modalities. We have a hyperbaric chamber to increase oxygenation and healing. Our approach is to evaluate function and see where improvements can be made. The body is a self-healing organism and improved function brings natural healing and vitality. As a patient at Your Health in Motion, will listen to you, do a thorough physical examination, and tailor a custom treatment protocol that aims to improve your quality of life by treating the cause of your dysfunction. If we feel that your situation is out of our scope of practice then we will help you find the proper avenue of care. If you are dealing with chronic issues that you have not been able to find a solution for; we encourage you to stop by or call.